- Slab width
measurement - Coil wrinkle
measurement - Slab width
▼Slab width measurement
- Steel Industry
- Laser sensors are installed on both sides of slabs.
- Air Cooling Jacket is used to protect laser against high temperature, and for cooling.
- Target temperature : 800 degrees C
- Device type : Accuracy +/- 1.5mm
- Measuring range : 65m(target range on site : 3.5m)

▼Coil wrinkle measurement
- Steel Industry
- 4 devices are installed on each sheet metal edge.
- Device type : Accuracy +/- 1.5mm
- Sample time : 6Hz

▼Slab width measurement
- Slab width measurement using lasers installed on both sides of slabs
- Measuring range : 3m
- Device type : accuracy +/-1.5mm
- Target temperature : 800 degrees C
- Water cooling jacket is used to protect the laser against a high temperature environment and to guarantee continuous measurement.
- Interface : RS422

- Warehouse Position Control
- Crane positioning
▼Warehouse Position Control
- 4 devices are installed on the both left and right direction.
- Device type : Accuracy +/- 1.0mm
- Measuring range : 500m(with reflective plate)
- Interface : RS422

▼Crane positioning
- Warehouse crane positioning
- Measuring range : 50m
- Device type : accuracy +/- 3.0 mm
- The crane of the automated warehouse should stop in the right position to pick up the skid coil.
- Interface : RS422

- Molten Level Measurement
- Molten zinc level measurement
- Ochre water level measurement
- Sugar Silo Level Measurement
▼Molten Level Measurement
- Molten aluminum level measurement
- 2 devices are installed for measuring mold surface and molten aluminum surface.
- Each measuring data are monitored.
- Data process between PC and laser by Bluethooth communication due to a high temperauture (650° C).
- Customized PC software to record, monitor and trand the measuring data of each device
- Device type : Accuracy +/- 1.0mm
- Interface : RS422

▼Molten zinc level measurement
- Molten zinc level measurement
- Target temperature : 650 degrees C
- Air cooling jacket is used to protect against thermal damage of laser sensor through the cooling function at a high temperature environment.
- Device type : accuracy +/-1.0mm
- Interface : RS422, Digital Input
- Parameter used : Output Filter for damping fluctuation of the molten zinc & Precise
- Measuring range : 3m

▼Ochre water level measurement
- Ochre water level measurement of pottery materials for bathtub, sink and toilet
- Measuring range : 20m
- Device type : accuracy +/1.0mm
- Interface : 4~20mA
- Originally radar sensor was installed for measuring level, but customer wants more accurate level sensor of mm class and it was replaced by laser sensor. Special housing was provided for level application.

▼Sugar Silo Level Measurement
- Application : Sugar Silo Level Measurement
- Auto cleaning function was designed to automatically clean the laser lens contamination caused by dust inside the silo and users can monitor levels in real time through indicator on local panel.
- Measuring range : 12m
- Device type : DBN-50-050 x 1unit
- Interface : 4~20mA
- Configured Parameters : Filter(stabilization), Auto Start

- Crane Collision Prevention
- Coke Oven Car Collision Avoidance
▼Crane Collision Prevention
- Automotive Industry
- 2 devices are installed on both sides of crane and display the ranges between cranes
- Each DO range setting (Alarm and Emergency) using 2 digital outputs
- Device type : Accuracy +/- 1.5mm
- Range : 150m

▼Coke Oven Car Collision Avoidance
- Coke oven car collision avoidance
- Device type : accuracy +/-1.5mm and reflective plate
- Measuring range : 130m
- 2 alarm range settings for oven car collision avoidance
- Interface : RS422, 2x digital outputs

- Wood pallet height measurement system
- Floodgate monitoring
- Sleeve displacement measurement
- Bridge monitoring
- Bridge loading system
▼Wood pallet height measurement system
- Measuring range : 3m
- Lasers measure hight of various packages at wood pallet packaging factory. The lasers connected with bar code transfer height and ID information for each package to integrated controller.
- Integrated Controller : Data collection and tranfer from laser sensor with bar code
- Interface : RS422
- Device type : Accuracy +/- 1.0mm x 3units

▼Floodgate monitoring
- Measuring gate distance when opening the floodgates to adjust the river levels
- Outdoor housing is supplied to protect the laser against sunshine and dust.
- Device type : Accuracy +/- 1.5mm
- Measuring range : 25m
- Interface : RS422

▼Sleeve displacement measurement
- Neclear power plant
- Sleeve length measuring on the celling
- Persons are not allowed to enter the neclear reactor inside, thus laser sensor is attached to the robot's arms and measures the sleeves rotating at 360 degrees.
- Customized PC software to record, monitor and trend data
- Device type : Accuracy +/- 1.0mm
- Interface : RS422

▼Bridge monitoring
- Measuring range : 150m
- Scope of supply : accuracy +/-1.5mm of laser sensor, orange reflective plate, customized PC software
- Functions of software
1) Record of bridge displacement values : every day/every week/every month /every year
2) Alert when out of the reference values(min. distance - max. distance)
3) Display measuring values of all the devices connected in screen.

▼Customized PC software– Multidrop upto 10 units, recording, trend, alert

▼Bridge loading system
- Laser sensor measures the target point on the bridge and transfers the measured values to data logger. User monitors the values from data logger and manages displacement of the bridge continuously. Wireless communication is used because power utilities are not available in the outdoor environment.
- Interface : RS422
- Measuring range : 50m
- Scope of supply: laser sensor, laser transmitter and laser receiver, alignment device to adjust UP & DOWN and LEFT & RIGHT position and reflective plate
- Device type : accuracy +/1.0mm
- Parameter used: Precise

- Pipe cutting
▼Pipe cutting
- The pipe length required for cutting at site was always different and was measured using tapeline, thus the pipe was cut manually.
The cutting method was improved using laser sensor – user enters the required pipe length into PC software and identifies the length from external monitor and finally cuts the pipe. - Cutting at Offset 0 position
- Interface : RS422
- Device type : accuracy +/-1.0mm
- Parameter used : Offset, Gain