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Business! Best Partner

Specialized in Integrated Measuring Sensors !

Elin Motoren GmbH


Elin motoren gmbH


elin motoren


Business Divisions


Wind Engergy

Elin Motoren_wind energy

 • Onshore & Offshore Generators  : With a power up to 10mW

 • 30 yeas of applicaton know how

 • All Technologies

      Water or Air Cooling
      Low and High voltage
      Asynchrous generators with cage or slip ring rotor
      Synchrous generators permanent or electrical energized


Liquid-Cooled Asynchronous Motors :

 • Tunning Boring Machine  : Pump drive 75 ~ 2000 kW,  400 ~690 V

 • Extruder : 500 ~ 3000 kW / 400~10,000V

   • Mixer : 100 ~ 3000 kW / 400~10,000V
   • Hydraulic : 90 ~ 1500 kW / 230~690V

Industrial Projects

elin motoren_industrial projects

 • Projects

      Motors for various applications as cecement, mining, steel, paper, water, conveyor technology and

      fit fans up to 35mW, Low and High voltage

 • Marines

      Auxiliary drives, thruster upto 8mW
      Generators up to 65mW
      Low and High voltage

 • Oil and Gas : Turbo Compressor, Piston Compressor, Pump Drive up to 35mW, Low and High voltage

Power Plants

elin motoren_power plants

 • Neclear Engergy : Motors for pump, fan and compressor drives up to 35mW, Low and High voltage

 • Conventional Engergy : Motors for pump, fan and mill up to 35mW, Low and High voltage

 • Steam and Gas

      Generators for gas and steam, turbines and gas engines up to 65mW
      Low and High voltage

 • Hydro

      Generators for small hydro and pump storage power plants upto 35mVA
      Low and High voltage