Sleeve Displacement Monitoring for Nuclear Power Plant
This is a device to measure sleeve's displacement inside the upper dome of the nuclear reactor. |
Workers cannot stay over 5 minutes even wearing cloths inside the reactor due to radioactivity contaimnation. |
Thus this device was developed to monitor accuractly displacement of the 50 sleeves installed to the locations |
where it is difficult to access. |
This 2-axis precise robot device rotates by left & right direction and resolution is controlled upto 1/100 degrees, |
accuracy has +/- 1.0 mm. |
The sensor connected with high-definition zoom camera which is controlled seeing the targets to user's desire |
position through camera. It makes sleeve's edge to be measured accuraclty. |
→ Structure |
• The structure rotates left & right and moves up & down. |
• User can monitor the targets through camera connected with laser sensor. |
→ Program |
• Display measuring data in real-time and trend(display graph) |
• Save data |
• Configuration parameters |